Sriracha Spinach Turkey Burgers


  • 1 lb lean ground turkey
  • 1/4 cupSriracha
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp parsley
  • 1 oz baby spinach
  • 4 slices cheese (i used provolone)
  • 4 hamburger buns


Light grill.

Combine turkey, Sriracha, garlic, black pepper, and parsley in a bowl. Mix well. Form into four thin patties.

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Place patties on the grill. Turkey doesn’t take long so make sure to watch them closely. Once the burgers have been flipped twice, spinach leaves, flat, on top of patties. It will look like you have a lot but spinach cooks down greatly so stack at least an inch of leaves on each patty. Once spinach is on all patties, place lid on grill to allow spinach to cook.

Once spinach has cooked down place cheese on top of spinach and replace lid to melt cheese.

Serve on buns with sides and toppers.